Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thrivelearning System - Larry Crane & Release Technique

How to Thrive - Learning Release Technique - the world of Larry Crane

rural living World of Larry Crane 
You’ll have to forgive the pun, humor is something Levenson appreciated, as does Larry. Plus, it’s a great photo…)

This page is simply a review of" target="_blank">Larry Crane’s Abundance Course and the" target="_blank"> Releasing Technique.

Larry’s Own Story

rural living World of Larry Crane" target="_blank"> “My name is" target="_blank">Larry Crane . I am a self-made millionaire businessman, author and teacher. I have been featured in hundreds of articles in newspapers and magazines (including Time and TV Guide), and on T.V. throughout the world. I’ve had the limousines, the planes… with businesses all over the world… raking in MULTI-MILLIONS of dollars. I have lived a life most people only dream about, including being friends and business associates with some of the most important and influential people in the world. I could go on and tell you all about my successes and the money I have made but, I’m not going to bother. You see, I’ve got a disturbing secret to share with you:

“Around 9 p.m. on a Friday night, back in 1976… with a successful business… millions in the bank… a beautiful wife… and an article written about me in Time magazine… I took the elevator to my ten-room duplex penthouse suite in Manhatten… walked over to my terrace… scanned the beautiful view below… and for about 2 hours I seriously contemplated suicide!

“It was very confusing to me. I had everything any one could want… and yet… I truly was one miserable creature!


“I had become determined to find the answer to my personal miseries. And although I was a very “closed” person at the time… and… not receptive to any kind of therapy or self-help stuff, my wife did talk me into some New Age courses. I took a bunch of these… but…Misery Was Still My Motto!

“Nothing was helping. I just became more and more depressed and frustrated.

“Then one day, in 1976, a young man came into my office to sell me a mail order item. I had some interesting spiritual or self-discipline quotations on my wall, and this opened up a conversation as to what I was “into”. That’s when I first heard about something called the Release® Technique.

It really resonated with me. So I decided to take the course that very weekend. That weekend was the first time I met the most fascinating man I’ve ever met – Lester" target="_blank"> Levenson .”

Larry goes on to explain that Levenson had everything he wanted, but was completely at ease and happy all the time. And he never seemed to work – but had an abundance of money, his health was good, he had tons of friends – solid relationships, and just effortlessly went through life.

And since Larry learned what Levenson was teaching, he’s adopted these into his own life and now spends it entirely to get these breakthroughs out to you and those you know.

What’s the Pitch?

Sure, it’s a lot of hype that surrounds this system. And I’m not telling you to believe anything that I or Larry has said on the subject. What you do with your own life is your business. Just because I’m totally set on this stuff as true breakthrough in all these fields – well, that doesn’t mean that you have to believe one word of it. I’m actually telling you not to.

Look, the big items people want to solve in their lives are all here: Health, Wealth, Relationships, Stress – anything and everything people can get sold on are here. I’ve even included the videos below so you can experience the pitches for yourself.

Now, let me tell you a secret: If you get the free stuff Larry offers on his site, that’s all you really need to get going. Sure, there’s a bunch of other books and tapes to buy – but not unless you think it’s right for you.

I’ve been working with helping people get out from under scams for over two years now – so I’ve got more than a bit of experience in this area. And something is a" target="_blank"> scam if you say it is. If you didn’t get out what you wanted, then you got scammed. In all cases, you only really get out what you put in.

So my advice on this stuff is:

1. Don’t believe anything that Larry or I say on this subject.

2. Get the free stuff first and try it out – don’t buy anything unless you’ve tried it out first.

3. But if you do have some bucks to" target="_blank">plunk down for his basic course – you can do that. It’s guaranteed return if you don’t like it. And you’ll have it all on CD’s (plus some bonuses) and you can check it out for yourself.

Release Technique Promotional Videos

First, lets listen to Larry Crane get interviewed. About 9 minutes:



And here’s Larry giving a personal introduction:



Now, at this point, if you feel this is the answer to what you’ve been looking for, go to the site with this link. What you’re looking on is on the front page – probably either “Learn More or “Buy Now” buttons.

Now, here’s some much shorter videos on the key topics:

Money and Wealth:



If you’re" target="_blank">tired of being broke or want to find out how to manifest abundance in your life, use those links. You’re looking for the button on the extreme lower left .




If you want to know more about how to optimize your health and vitality with the release technique, use that link. You’ll want to go to the section on Mental and Physical Health – second from the left.




You can" target="_blank">learn how to discover the true power of Love by using that link. This will be the button on the top labeled “Relationships”, or the bottom button labeled “Improve Your Life.”

Life Changes:



For finding how to" target="_blank">transform your life – use that link. This is the bottom row, 2nd to right button.

What can you get out of this?

I’m just here to give you the data to help you improve your life. Sure, the above are all affiliate links. And you can just go to his site directly if you want. Or search for Google for any of several dozen people who have put up sites that promote his courses, books, materials, and whatnot.

All I’m here for is to help you. Period. And that’s why I’ve written this page and how I wrote it this way.

Because your future is up to you – completely. People who stay poor, sick, upset, worried – these people aren’t really looking for a way to improve their conditions. And I’m not saying that Crane’s Release Technique is the way to solve everyone’s problems, either.

I’m just here to" target="_blank">give you that additional choice .

My opinion about your scene? Try the" target="_blank">Release Technique today. It can change your life forever.